August 13, 2022


Will the circular economy determine the future of the tourism industry?

So far, little space has been devoted to circular solutions in the tourism industry. The aim of the article is to present the concept of the circular economy on the example of the Toucheng Leisure Farm.

Unfortunately, the natural and cultural environment is under increasing human pressure. In many regions of the world, biodiversity is reduced, many ecosystems are degraded, landscape fragmentation occurs, ecological connectivity between environmentally valuable areas as well as between urbanized areas and open areas is broken

The dynamic development of the tourism sector entails degradation of the natural environment, increasing pollution and consumption of natural resources. Circular economy has been trying to solve these issues for several decades. Its implementation and systematic use of its principles may have a positive impact on the profits achieved by the tourism sector, while contributing to the inhibition of negative environmental effects.

People from various social groups, when asked what the circular economy is, most often answer "This is the first time I hear it". The interest comes after explaining that it is an economic management that takes nature as a model, creating a renewable and self-regenerating system designed to reduce (and ultimately eliminate) the amount of waste generated on the market and the amount of raw materials collected.

"It's very practical" - they point out, "It allows you to save and protect the environment", "Thinking like that changes everything" – comment others. The transition to the use of circular economy requires the implementation of changes in many areas, namely from the moment of designing a product or service, through changing the business model, production and organization processes, to waste management.

Toucheng Leisure Farm in Yilan County is an example of the use of circular economy solutions in the tourism sector. This recreational farm bases its activities on ecological education and agritourism experience. The agricultural department covers over 50 hectares of fruit trees and forests. In addition, 2 hectares are intended for the cultivation of organic vegetables and the breeding of a small amount of livestock. It is a "living laboratory" that implements the latest technological, organizational, pro-environmental and circular achievements.


Toucheng Leisure Farm has adopted a business model (according to the 3R principle) in which the revenues from services are allocated to finance the continuous implementation of eco-solutions and the renewal of already installed systems. In introducing circular economy solutions, active support was obtained from the Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station COA, and today we can enjoy a pioneering agritourism facility with a clear pro-environmental profile, which is a distinguishing feature and constitutes a new value on the Taiwanese market.

There are many examples confirming that the eco-offer attracts people looking for rest among beautiful nature. An increasingly aware customer eagerly chooses services and products that respect the principles of "pro-eco", sustainable development or combine both directions of circular economy. Even the necessity of self-limiting tourists with this type of offer, such as less frequent change of towels and bed linen, or a rich buffet, served on smaller plates, but eliminating waste, are not a problem. Such activities turn out to be an advantage and an effective element of promoting such an organized center.

Toucheng Leisure Farm aims to eliminate the negative impact of its products and services on the environment. They achieve this goal by designing them in such a way as to obtain their maximum use and regeneration throughout their life cycle, and finally recovery and / or reuse of the material from which they are made. Three main cycles within the circular economy were introduced, namely: "ecology", "food" and "agriculture". Everything is based on the same concept and complements each other. You may have heard about permaculture. This is an increasingly popular method of planning cultivation, but still shrouds in a certain amount of mystery. Most often we only hear that it has something to do with a natural approach to gardening. What's underneath it? Why is it worth being interested in?


The concept of permaculture is the opposite of monoculture crops where only a single species of plant is grown in one place. The emphasis in this approach is to make our piece of land similar to the natural environment in which many plants live in a kind of symbiosis with each other. This means that the given plant species coexist and have a positive effect on each other. It is using the benefits of nature along with learning in order to meet the nutritional needs of mankind.


Toucheng Leisure Farm is aware of its responsibility for the surrounding environment, in particular for animals, without which our existence would be seriously endangered. Such animals undoubtedly include insects. The benefit of the presence of insects in the garden is the so-called biological pest control. Controlling pests using natural methods is more effective, healthier and cheaper than all chemical plant protection products. After all, according to the theory of balance in nature, species influence each other by mutually regulating the population.

One example used at Toucheng Leisure Farm is to ensure their welfare by planting the often underrated milkweed. Its leaves are covered with aphids, ants, eggs, poop and honeydew. We'll see lots of all kinds of pollinating insects, ladybugs eating aphids and laying eggs in their vicinity, and wasps and flies sipping honeydew from the aphids. Many of the insects are predatory insects that eat or parasitize on "pest" insects. Attracting natural predators such as ladybugs, which pollinate fruit trees and shrubs alongside bees and wasps, will be the right response to the attack of aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips, as well as some caterpillars and mollusks.


Pollinators die not only as a result of the widespread use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, but also due to monoculture crops, which severely limit biodiversity. As biodiversity increases in the garden, the number of insects increases, which help to decompose organic residues by converting them into easily digestible nutrients for plants, and thus improving the quality of the soil.

The natural shelters for insects are diminishing along with the development of agriculture, industry, and the expansion of towns and villages. One of the elements of the fight to preserve as many beneficial insects as possible is creating new habitats for them. That's why Toucheng Leisure Farm treats them like royalty when building hotels for them. Hotels shelter a large number of various insects and give them the opportunity to build nests. I learned all this thanks to the wonderful guides at Toucheng Leisure Farm, who impress with their knowledge about the natural environment.


We have already discussed the principles of obtaining food on the farm; it is time to look at what is happening with it next. Here is another surprise, because it turns out that there are many crossroads between permaculture and the world of hospitality and cooking.What I really like about Toucheng Leisure Farm is that even when preparing meals, we are dealing with circular economy rules. (closing the loop.). If we want to check a place that is really good at introducing this closed system, we absolutely have to look at the Green Kitchen.

The local chef David takes care of everything from sourcing high-quality organic produce to caring for the soil. He is guided by the principle not to waste anything in the kitchen and to make sure that water is saved, as well as compost the leftovers and return them to the soil. No wonder, because David came to Formosa straight from Switzerland, which is called the European green island, and this wonderful nation has a concern for the environment in its blood.

This connects him with Toucheng Leisure Farm, which goes to the extreme with a zero waste mentality, and that's really great. As if that was not enough, they go a step further. As part of the cooking class, they educate their guests on how to use all edible pieces of plants and not waste food scraps. The principles of permaculture apply to both the gardener and the cook - with the consumer everywhere in between. Finally, a place appeared on the map, which in beautiful natural circumstances combines leisure and education, which we can introduce into our everyday life with a great result for our mother earth.


The time has come for all of us to live by the sixth principle of permaculture: do not produce waste. And if you have any, give them a new life. With this in mind, Green Bar was created on the farm, which combines the features of a cultural center and cafe. The place is managed by Mrs. Pia, whose hospitality makes us feel as comfortable as at home. 

Among the wide range of services and courses available, we will learn how to breathe new life into materials that are perceived by most as waste and create small pieces of art. In addition, the products will decorate our houses and constitute an unforgettable souvenir, the more precious that we have made them ourselves. Thanks to Mrs. Pia's tips, even despite the lack of talent, everyone can feel like a real artist.


For an energy boost, the restaurant offers delicious desserts and various snacks. Thirsty ones will be provided with a range of excellent hot and cold drinks. I especially like and can recommend the signature herbal tea, personally prepared by Mrs. Pia. In the evening, for better relaxation and mood, we can enjoy a variety of cocktails. And all this without remorse and in accordance with the principle of sustainable life , while taking care of our beautiful green island - Formosa.

What makes Toucheng Leisure Farm worthwhile is that it do not forget about seniors as well as the youngest visitors. After all, we learn throughout our lives, and combining learning with pleasure brings the most tangible results.


Eager for a moment of peace and quiet, waiting for the relief of nerves, or a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, we can take part in meditation classes. For many people, meditation and spending a dozen or so minutes in silence and concentration may seem like a longed-for oasis and be the starting point for each morning.

If someone were to ask my loved ones if I am patient, the answers could be extremely different and the verdict would be different depending on what I do - I can spend hours in DIY or learning Chinese words. At first, the meditation seemed to be the epitome of a nightmare to me. Yes, like many people my age, I rather run away from my problems and successfully drown them out with my favorite playlist. Thanks to the classes organized on the farm, I decided to try to face what had seemed scary until now - meditation and a moment just for me. With myself and everything I like to torture myself with.

I was fortunate enough to meet qualified and experienced teachers on the farm who led me painlessly through the entire process. This experience has proved to me that even the smallest things can bring a bit of excitement to our everyday life, which many of us are missing recently. I recommend it to those who want to start their day better, fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully.

Another unique initiative of Toucheng Leisure Farm is its involvement in environmental education of the youngest. It is worth emphasizing that the area of ​​this tourist center is perfect. It is extremely important for a young person to have close contact with nature. It is difficult to talk about nature, biodiversity, its richness or interdependencies, without having any contact with nature. It is abstract for a child to cover these topics in a closed classroom.


In order for young people to understand the whole picture, they should be able to see, touch or smell, because the youngest get to know the world with all their senses. It works similarly with older children, but, for example, a teenager can imagine certain things, and in a small child nothing will be recorded until he checks it on his own body - with his hands, eyes or nose.


Thanks to the project, children learn the basic principles of caring for nature and responsible management of its resources, and everything is passed on in such a way that they can gain knowledge, stimulate their imagination and have fun at the same time. It is an initiative that really helps to shape the ecological awareness of the youngest and build in them a sense of responsibility for the condition of our planet in the future.


Ecological activities should not be just a fashion, but a natural lifestyle for every human being. Understanding environmental problems is the first step to a better future. And this will largely depend on the youngest. They will soon become decision-making adults with an opinion on nature conservation. Ecological education is particularly important from an early age, because “as the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined". Ecological awareness developed since childhood will ensure that the future generation will not be thoughtless towards nature.


Moreover, it is much easier to work with children because they are very knowledgeable and naturally sensitive to nature and animals. Environmental education of children also affects parents - they are willing to implement good eco-practices in their own homes, changing the habits of adults.


To sum up, it is safe to say that Toucheng Leisure Farm is a superb role model - it has a ton of green solutions. This is an example of the unique relationship between an innovative business model and sustainable local development. This coherence of the created ecological brand, together with a consciously developed sustainable business model "from cradle to cradle", makes the facility the showcase of the region.