Hello :)
Describing my first day in Taiwan wouldn't be complete without the whole story of getting here. I was supposed to flight out of Calcutta at 00:35 and 20 minutes before estimated departure I was informed that my flight was cancelled and postponed to next morning. Well. in the morning, we were told that it would fly around lunchtime but after all we didn't leave till 6:30 pm!!! In Kunming, China my flight was postponed another 10 hours but to make long story short.. I was late one WHOLE day and arrive to Taipei exhausted, sleeping on my feet and looking like zombie who forgot to drink his coffee in the morning :D
After another 3 hours of travelling from Taipei to Toucheng, I finally meet up with my new boss- Tina:) She welcomed me with open hands and showed me the room and made sure that I'm feeling comfortable and safe. I promised I would take a short nap and come down for dinner but level of energy was so low that my body dumped on me and decided to sleep for following 15 hours :) In the morning, I woke up around 7 am and came down for breakfast - ready to expose myself to new "reality". Even though the stuff didn't really speak English, everyone was really nice and smiling. After a little while I met Jacky (Tina's husband) and he explained me "the breakfast" which consist of several choices of different dishes which I couldn't identify at first :) After breakfast, Tina showed me around and we went to the spot, where her mother in law was preparing food for Travel channel. That was tons of fun! I was supposed to pretend that I was helping... I tried...my best :D

Stove for burning the bamboo tree. Tina emphasized that they are burning only old trees, which have died and are using it to make a heat while cooking.
I wanted to cut the mushrooms but I was soon enough replaced by another lady who had obviously better and faster skills than me :)
Then I got to trY what "we" prepared and it was obviously really really good ! :) Btw grandma was one of the most energetic ladies I have ever encountered in my life. She made sure she put lipstick before the shooting and she was all over the place. Joking, laughing and making everyone around happy and satisfied.
After lunch, I was introduced to most of the stuff and explained my duties :) Then I met Cooper - Malaysian guy who has been working here for 6 months now and who is sitting next time me in the office :) He took me for a small walk, to show me the scenery and some local animals.
First day was kinda cold and rainy but people and the serenity of the surroundings made it a really pleasurable experience and I cant wait to see what I will learn tomorrow :)
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