We at Toucheng Leisure Farm have received and hosted several interns from around the globe in the past years. Usually, we invite students that are members of AIESEC international to apply with us for a working holiday of approximately 2 months duration.
During this time, interns work at our farm, customizing our webpage, helping out with summer camps and English learning camps and much more.
On their free days, they then have the chance to independently explore the beauty of Taiwan.
This blog is a platform for international Interns at Toucheng Leisure Farm to write independently about their experiences and their adventures they set out to from the farm and share their feelings during their stay in Taiwan.
On this page, each intern will shortly introduce her/him-self:
Hi, my name is Josh Treisman and I am from Melbourne, Australia. I am an undergraduate University student studying Commerce at Monash University, Melbourne.
I came to Taiwan and Toucheng farm after studying business and a little bit of Chinese at Peking University, Beijing for 3 months. I wanted to experience the Taiwanese culture, as well as an agricultural lifestyle that I have previously not participated in. I also wanted to try and improve my very limited Chinese speaking abilities.
Toucheng farm was an ideal way to understand Taiwanese culture and participate in some very interesting and different activities, particularly because I have not worked on a farm in my life and am definitely a city-kid!
I came to Taiwan and Toucheng farm after studying business and a little bit of Chinese at Peking University, Beijing for 3 months. I wanted to experience the Taiwanese culture, as well as an agricultural lifestyle that I have previously not participated in. I also wanted to try and improve my very limited Chinese speaking abilities.
Toucheng farm was an ideal way to understand Taiwanese culture and participate in some very interesting and different activities, particularly because I have not worked on a farm in my life and am definitely a city-kid!
Laetitia JOULIA and Quentin FRERET (Cahors représente)
Intern for 3 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm from 02 December 2015 to 23 December 2015.
Hi, we come from France (Bonjour Paris!!!)
We came to Taiwan for our 1st working-holidays, to discover Taiwanese culture, and his people. We are not in the agriculture (but we use to eat organic in France) Quentin is massager and Laetitia is a special educator, so it's a first time for us.
The TouchLeisure Farm is the first step of our trip, after that we go in 3 others farms to discover all the island. We are very happy to make our first stop here because everybody have been very friendly and smiling!!
Funny fact, we don't speak Chinese at all, so it was hard to understand each other sometimes, mostly when we try to learn them french games!!!
If you're looking for a real nice experience you can come at Touch Leisure Farm you will surely be welcome!!!
Rayne Tang (a.k.a 沁妤)
Intern for 8 weeks at TouCheng leisure farm from 27th July 2015 to 18th September 2015.
Hello, I'm Rayne from Malaysia, a first year student of bachelor of science in sustainable agriculture in HochschuleRhein-Waal, Germany. I'm grateful that TC farm is willing to give me a chance to experience and learn the agriculture practice in Taiwan. Of course, I work in the agricultural department and mostly in charge of the gardening works or something related to agriculture such as: irrigation, cultivation, weeds removal, fertilizer application, harvesting and so on. The experiences that I had learned will definitely be useful for my academic. Much obliged to most of the staffs here, great friendships have been built between them and me. Although this farm is a good place for your internship/working holidays but keep in mind that you will be expected to work really hard and fast, which mean serious working attitude is vital. So be prepared mentally and physically, work hard and play hard.
Dong Yue(董越)

I am a college student come form China mainland.
In the 6 days I do a lot different and interesting works which I have never experienced ,such as watering ,breeding ,reaping ,though it I learned a lot about plants and it seems to get access to my dream .This experience help me realize what I really want to do and what I should insist on.
People here are really friendly to me and I know some great friends who often take me to do a lot of activities after work.and the farm really have a good scenery and I am sure if you come there you are certain to get what you want!A GOOD PLACE FOR YOUR WORKING-HOLIDAY!
Yuuka Iino
Intern for 6 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm (21st February 2015 – 4th April 2015)
Hi everyone! Konnichiha!
I’m Yuuka Iino from Tohoku university, Japan.
My major is agriculture especially cytology and that’s why I decided to work at a farm. In this internship, I’d like to know agriculture and culture of Taiwan so I’ll work at a farm growing organic vegetables and advertise this farm to Japanese tourists to write FB article and blog. Please check it hehe :)
At last, I really appreciate hospitality of Toucheng farm. They are so friendly and kind to everyone including me.
Intern for two months at Toucheng Leisure Farm from 23rd June 2014 until 22nd August 2014.
Bonjour ~ Je m'appelle Victoire, vous pouvez m'appeler bobo aussi. J'apprends le français à University Putra Malaysia. Enchanté =]
HI! Bobo here, you can call me Victoire also in french. I'm the final year student of University Putra Malaysia and I'm having my internship in Toucheng Leisure Farm now with my best friend a.k.a coursemate Michelle. It Awesome here!!
I would like to thanks TLF for giving me a chance to join the farm so that i can experience the Taiwan culture and I'm looking forward to experience more.
Stay tuned!!
Intern for two months at Toucheng Leisure Farm from 23rd June 2014 until 22nd August 2014.
Hi Everyone~ :)

Have a nice day :)
Bonjour tout le monde!
Je m'appelle Michelle et je suis de la Malaisie. Je suis étudiante en dernière année de Baccalauréat en langue Française à UPM. Actuellement, je vais avoir mon stage ici dans Toucheng Leisure Farm pendant deux mois. Je suis heureuse et chanceuse que j'avais trouvée ce stage à travers ce blog génial après une recherche difficile pour stage à Taiwan! Merci beaucoup à tous les étudiants internationaux au-dessus de leur partage. J'ai la chance de vivre et d'apprendre sur l'Agritourisme de Taiwan dans cette grande ferme. Auparavant, je suis curieuse de savoir la culture de Taiwan et finalement j'ai eu cette opportunité de faire l'expérience.
Il est en effet une grande expérience et des souvenirs d'être ici.
Bonne journée :) Merci.
Kazuhiko Yamane
Intern for a month at Toucheng Leisure Farm
July 2014
Hey guys. I'm Kazu, a Japanese, from near by Nagoya.
I study tourism management in National Kaohsiung University Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan.
I'm glad to work and do research on leisure farms here.
I'll treat tourists at Toucheng Leisure Farm the Japanese way of hospitality and customer service : Omotenashi.
Nice to meet you all.
Angelia Ooi
Bonjour! My name is ying shing or you can call me angelia. I come from Malaysia. Now I have an internship at Toucheng Leisure Farm for 24 weeks from 20th January until 4th of July. This is my last semester in my university for having an internship before graduate. I love Taiwan culture and looking forward to have a chance to explore whole Taiwan and learn more about agricultural practices during my internship.
Tomorrow can be a better day~!
Leong Kai Wei
Selamat Sejahtera! Hi, I'm Kai Wei from Malaysia. I'm 4th year student of Bachelor of Horticultural Science in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). I am undergoing my industrial training with Toucheng Leisure Farm as a requirement to graduate in my final year course. I have chances and in charge of gardening works, tour guiding, counter service and writing blog.
I'm looking forward to gain new experiences and enjoy different culture in Taiwan. Thanks to TLF for giving me this opportunity to join this farm.
Have a nice day!
Jerry Guo

Intern for 6 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm January 6th to February 19th, 2014
Kia Ora! My name is Jerry Guo and i come from New Zealand. I am 19 years old and just finished my first year at university studying Finance and Accounting. I want to learn more about asian culture as i do not know much about it growing up in New Zealand so i chose to come to Toucheng Leisure Farm for an OE (overseas experience). Here i can not only learn about Taiwanese culture interacting with the friendly staff but i also get to do things i would otherwise not have the chance to do like growing crops and tour guiding.
Hello nature lovers!!!
My name is Simona Makovska but friends call me Simmy. I come from Slovakia and I study International Mangement in Prague, Czech Republic. I'm 23 years old and I loooove travelling. Spend one year in Indonesia and surroundings and work all around Europe and the US. Last semester I went to Calcutta, India for an exchange and after my final exams I decided to explore Taiwanese culture :)
Kateřina Štalmachová

Hello everybody! I´m Katerina from Czech Republic (Europe), you can call me Kate or Katie!
I graduated the University of Economics in Prague last week and I decided to change climate and enjoy that juicy tropical life here in Toucheng Laisure Farm! I miss it very much in Czech Republic and this farm completely fulfill my dreams about healthy living in harmony with beautiful nature!
I will try to be as much helpful as I can!
Nice to meet you! :)
Novalia Anggraini M (諾维亞)

Intern for 1 month at Toucheng Leisure Farm (July 1st, 2013 - August 1st, 2013)
Well, Hello there! Good to have you formally introduced myself to this Blog.
I am Novalia Anggraini or my Chinese name is 諾维亞 but I prefer called Nova than my Chinese name. I am from Indonesia and also I currently as a student who study in Taiwan. Previously I studied Computer Science and Information Engineering (NCKU) but now I study in National University of Tainan majored in Green Energy Technology. I being in Toucheng Leisure Farm as a Volunteer Internship Program of Agritourism Area for International Students during this summer holiday. The aim of this program is for promote and raise international visibility of Taiwan's agritourism through industry academia cooperation for international students to experience agritourism in Taiwan. My internship work are learn the resources and operation activities agritourism areas, help develop marketing materials in foreign languages, and design experiental activities. I also help and taking care the children with the Summer Camp 2013 for 1 week.
I love to be here because it is not only about internship work but also I can found new family ^^. Thank you
Best regards,
Cooper Loh Choong Shen
Intern for 21 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm (17/July/2013-31/Dec/2013)
Hi everyone, I am Cooper Loh and I come from Malaysia. I will be doing my internship in Toucheng Leisure Farm for almost 21 weeks. Due to the course that i studied (BA - International Hotel & Tourism Management), it required to have 6 months internship in either national or international company, so i found TLF. I will be in charge with writing blog, Facebook update and tour guide trainee.
Have a nice day =)
New Intern...Sum^^
Intern for 4 days at Toucheng Leisure Farm (30/June/2013-3/July/2013)

My job in Toucheng Leisure Farm is tidying up the room and writing blogs. It is not a difficult job, and let me meet a lot of people there^^
Nice to meet you^^
Hannah James Jupinon
Intern for 12 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm (18/February/2013-10/May/2013)
Greetings! My name is Hannah James Jupinon from Sabah Malaysia. I majored in Agricultural Science from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. I am undergoing my industrial training with Toucheng Leisure Farm as a requirement to graduate in my 4 year course.
I’m looking forward to begin my journey in this beautiful country and to gain new experiences. I will try very best to highlight the farm and my journey during my stay. Stay Tune and Have a Good Day!!
Intern for 10 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm (6/August/2012 - 12/October/2012)
My name is Niklas (or 李克 in Chinese) and I come from Bremen, Germany, where I have been studying Chinese and economics for one year so far.
I joined the students' organisation AIESEC to participate in and foster international communication and now I am doing this very internship at Toucheng Farm with their help.
Now I am very excited about the upcoming weeks and looking forward to an awesome stay in beautiful Taiwan.
Christina Ida Eriksen
Kasia Lisewska
Christina Ida Eriksen
Hi! I am Christina. I am from Denmark and in Denmark I study Digital Design and Communication at the IT-university of Copenhagen. I have only one semester left and then I will be Master of Digital Design and Communication. I also live in Copenhagen very close to where I study.
I have joined AIESEC to have this great opportunity to be an intern at the Toucheng Leisure Farm. I also want to experience the beauty of Taiwan and help with the summercamps at the farm.
Intern for 6 weeks at Toucheng Leisure Farm (15/June/2012 - 31/July/2012).
I come from Poland and I'm a Nanotechnology student at Gdańsk University of Technology.
My Global Community Development Internship at Toucheng Leisure Farm is taking place thanks to AIESEC, LC Gdańsk UG.
Deschna Afram
(10th of July - August 23rd 2011)
Nationality: German (Ethnicity: German/Assyrian)
Studying in The Netherlands at Tilburg University
Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts and Sciences - Specialization Social Sciences, and a supplementary Bachelor known as "Outreaching".
I am currently doing a development internship with the international student association AIESEC, LC Tilburg. Simultaneously, this internship is on behalf of Outreaching, to get aquainted with the organizational and managerial structures of Toucheng Leisure Farm as an organization.
I´m from São Paulo, Brazil. I´m studying environmental and urban engineering at Federal University of ABC (UFABC).
I´m doing a development traineeship in Yilan County, Taiwan by AIESEC, LC INSPER.