August 05, 2012

Hot Spring in Jiaoxi

So the other day we went to the hot spring in Jiaoxi! It was really a great experience. Firstly when I tried to get in it was waaaay to hot. But then I realized that it was because I was trying to get in really close to where the hottest water actually was. So I moved away from it, and then it was more to my liking. After some time it was also possible for me to go to the hotter places... I guess you just need some time to get used to it.

The hot spring is situated in a small park, or I guess they build the park around the hot spring :P I felt really relaxed and the general feel there was that people came to relax and not many people talked or made loud noises! I think that if I lived close I would like to go there every night with a book or something like that.

Afterwards I felt really like I was flying a little bit. I was very clear that the effect of the hot spring was relaxing and my whole body felt really good. Though my legs were really red, it didn't feel like I burned them. The redness went away really quickly also... :)

I would recommend people to go to the hot spring after a long day of working or shopping or something like this, and then sit to relax and maybe have a quiet conversation with a friend.

53,4 degrees :)
Here were are sitting and enjoying :)

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