February 28, 2013

228- Peace Memorial Day

Today marks the day, Taiwan  remember the victims of the 228 Incident (二二八事件) or 228 Massacre (二二八大屠殺).

Below excerpt was taken and written by the Embassy, The Republic of China on Taiwan, Washington, D.C.

"After World War II, Taiwan won independence from Japan, and the Chinese Nationalist government officially took over the island. On February 28, 1947, misunderstandings between the new government and the native residents led to an uprising that was brutally suppressed. A period known as the White Terror ensued, in which thousands of Taiwanese were killed or imprisoned. For years, the period was never discussed in public, and official textbooks did not mention it. But in 1995, President Lee Teng-hui made a formal apology for the incident. Since then, other steps have been taken to heal the wounds. The February 28 Incident Memorial Foundation was founded to compensate victims and their families and to restore the good names of those who were wrongly accused.

February 28 has been named Peace Memorial Day and is marked by memorial services for the victims, concerts, art exhibitions, and group runs. Taiwan's president attends a ceremony in which he rings a ceremonial bell, bows to the victims' families, and hands them a certificate acknowledging that they are guilty of no crime. The day is also referred to as "228 Memorial Day" in reference to the original date of the 28th day of the second month: 2/28."

You can read more about 228 day by just clicking the link below

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