July 04, 2013

Making Lime Fermentation Drink

What would you say if I told you that with just a couple lime, some sugar, and water you could be enjoying a tasty home-brewed, slightly alcoholic drink tomorrow night?  Pretty impressive, right? A few of my friends have gotten into either beer or wine making. I’m thinking I’d rather just stick with the Yi-Lan technique of adding some lime to some flavored sugar water… that seems a whole lot easier and a whole lot cheaper.  And it is an appropriate beverage for this hot weather.
This is traditionally beverage in Yi-Lan on Summer.
*1 bottle
*13 limes, washed
* 2 teaspoon sugar
*lemon water
Prepare 1 bottle, put 13 limes into the bottle, add 2 teaspoon sugar,  bring the lemon water. Shake the bottle slowly. Closed the cap. Then, keep the bottle for 3 months.
Oh and the taste?  Pretty great!!
Pretty cool stuff 
By: Novalia 諾維亞


  1. Seems delicious~Novalia could you make me a drink please...I need a bottle, haha ;)

  2. Very nice, is such a great experience.
