March 08, 2013

New Flowers + T.G.I.F!!


T.G.I.F is so overrated right now. Anyways, today we did lots of field work under the hot sun.
First we started off with digging holes which will be later fill with flowers. It been a challenging morning because the ground was rocky and full with stones. 2 interns had to use all their strength to make a decent deep hole.

While my tasks was to marked the spots where the holes are suppose to be with powder and removed big rocks with my bare hands.

In the afternoon, we had our lunch and decided to take some rest before we continue our quest in digging more holes.

After lunch, we were instructed to put on hold our digging and plant the newly bought flowers around the farm. There were 8 person altogether in this project. We were each paired up to plant the flowers in different places.

 My place was just in front of the fishing pond. We worked our way through the heat and managed to get all 200 flowers planted in the ground.

From today's work, I bet I will have a good night sleep tonight! Yipee~~

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